How to Fix Bugs in BG3 Quest Marker on Teahouse

BG3 Quest Marker on Teahouse: Baldur’s Gate 3 is a role-playing game that lets you explore a vast and rich fantasy world, full of choices, consequences, and companions. One of the quests that you can encounter in the game is the Teahouse quest, which involves dealing with a mysterious and powerful hag named Auntie Ethel, who claims to have a cure for your mind flayer parasite. However, this quest is not without its challenges, as some players have reported a bug that prevents them from completing it properly. In this article, we will explain what the Teahouse quest marker bug is, what causes it, how to fix it, and how to avoid or prevent it. We will also cover some other common bugs in Baldur’s Gate 3 and how to fix them.

What is the Teahouse Quest Marker Bug?

The Teahouse quest marker bug is a bug that causes the quest marker for the Teahouse quest to remain on the map even after you have completed the quest. This can be annoying and confusing, as it may make you think that you have missed something or that the quest is still active. The bug can also affect the quest journal, which may not update properly to reflect the quest completion.

What Causes the Bug?

The exact cause of the bug is not clear, but some players have speculated that it may be related to the following factors:

  • The order in which you complete the Teahouse quest and the related quest “Get Help from Auntie Ethel”, which involves asking the hag to remove your parasite.
  • The choices you make during the dialogue with Auntie Ethel, such as whether you agree to her terms, refuse her offer, or attack her.
  • The actions you take during the combat with Auntie Ethel, such as whether you kill her, spare her, or let her escape.
  • The way you exit the Teahouse, such as whether you use the portal, the mushroom circle, or the ladder.

How to Fix the Bug?

There is no official fix for the bug as of yet, but some players have reported that they were able to fix it by doing the following:

  • Load a previous save file before you entered the Teahouse, and try to complete the quest differently, such as by choosing different dialogue options, killing or sparing Auntie Ethel, or using a different exit method.
  • Use the console commands to manually complete the quest, by typing QuestComplete(“QST_TEAHOUSE”) and QuestComplete(“QST_TEAHOUSE_PARASITE”) in the console. To access the console, you need to enable it in the game settings, and then press the tilde (~) key to open it.
  • Ignore the bug and move on with the game, as it does not seem to have any major impact on the gameplay or the story.

How to Avoid or Prevent the Bug?

While there is no guaranteed way to avoid or prevent the bug, some players have suggested that the following steps may help reduce the chances of encountering it:

  • Complete the Teahouse quest before you ask Auntie Ethel to remove your parasite, as this may avoid the conflict between the two quests.
  • Agree to Auntie Ethel’s terms and let her remove your parasite, as this may avoid triggering the combat with her and the subsequent choices.
  • Kill Auntie Ethel and loot her body, as this may ensure that the quest is completed and that she does not escape.
  • Use the portal to exit the Teahouse, as this may be the intended way to finish the quest.

Other Common Bugs in Baldur’s Gate 3 and How to Fix Them

The Teahouse quest marker bug is not the only bug that players have encountered in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here are some other common bugs and their possible fixes:

•  Crashes: 

The game may crash for various reasons, such as hardware incompatibility, driver issues, or bugs in the game code . To fix this, you can try restarting your computer, updating your graphics drivers, verifying the integrity of your game files, or reporting the crash to Larian Studios

•  Save game corruption: 

Save games may become corrupted, which can prevent you from loading your progress or autosave. To fix this, you can try loading a different save file, deleting the corrupted save file, or restoring a backup save file.

•  Quests not completing: 

Some quests may not complete properly, which can prevent you from progressing in the game. To fix this, you can try reloading a previous save file, completing the quest differently, or using the console commands to manually complete the quest.

•  Characters becoming stuck: 

Characters may become stuck in certain areas, which can prevent them from moving or interacting with the environment. To fix this, you can try switching to another character, using the jump or shove actions, or fast traveling to another location.

•  Items disappearing: 

Items may disappear from your inventory, which can be frustrating and time-consuming to replace. To fix this, you can try reloading a previous save file, checking your other characters’ inventories, or using the console commands to spawn the item.

•  UI bugs: 

The user interface may not function properly, which can make it difficult to navigate the game or use certain features To fix this, you can try restarting the game, changing the graphics settings, or reporting the bug to Larian Studios.


BG3 Quest Marker on Teahouse: Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game that is still in early access, which means that it is not fully finished and may contain bugs and issues. However, the developers are working hard to fix them and improve the game, and they appreciate the feedback and support from the players. The BG3 Quest Marker on Teahouse is one of the bugs that players have reported, and we hope that this article has helped you understand what it is, what causes it, how to fix it, and how to avoid or prevent it. 

Read more about: Baldur’s Gate 3 Quest Marker on Teahouse

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